
A happy end :-))))))))

If you remember, around christmas time, I received like a present a Calavera Dunny, but it was very surprising, because one feather was lost...

After to write to Kidrobot, first they told me was impossible to send me one feather, but after I had a great surprise when they confirm me that they found a feather for me :-)))) Thanks a lot to Ty Har !!!!!, Customer and Web Support Specialist of Kidrobot, for your help :-))))))))))))))))

Now my dunny with all his feathers is guarded by my little tiger :-)))))))))


  1. There still is an piece of paint missing though...
    Nice respond and great work from KidRobot!

  2. Yes, my Calavera Azteca dunny, is a mystery, two errors in the same toy.

    But Now I love him like a son :-)))))
